Joystick Magazine 2000 February
cd joystick no112 fevrier 2000.iso
Text File
472 lines
object SelFactionWin: TSelFactionWin
Left = 633
Top = 279
Height = 353
Width = 398
object FactionPnl: TAOWPanel
OnMouseMove = FactionPnlMouseMove
OnKeyDown = FactionPnlKeyDown
OnUpdate = FactionPnlUpdate
Visible = False
Priority = 5
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 640
Masked = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahCenter
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinHeight = 480
AOWWindow = TitleWindow.TitleWin
ILTexture = IntGfxMod.FactionWin
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 640
MinHeight = 480
Left = 96
Top = 8
object TopLbl: TAOWLabel
Priority = 1000
WinLeft = 256
WinTop = 12
AOWWindow = FactionPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 12
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
Text = 'Choose a Faction'
TextColor = clBlack
Left = 96
Top = 56
object LightPnl: TAOWPanel
OnMouseDown = LightPnlMouseDown
OnMouseMove = LightPnlMouseMove
Priority = 5
WinLeft = 352
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 288
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinHeight = 480
AOWWindow = FactionPnl
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 48
Top = 168
object LText: TAOWMemo
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 140
AOWWindow = LightPnl
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 140
Alignment.BottomOffset = 80
Masked = False
WinWidth = 288
WinHeight = 260
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
Items.Strings = (
'� Preserve harmony over the earth and its inhabitants.'
'� Accept the Humans and their presence.'
'� Actively oppose the Cult of Storms.'
'� Avoid bloodshed and conflict when possible.'
BorderWidth = 20
BorderHeight = 20
TextColor = clWhite
CursorChar = '|'
BlinkDelay = 0
Editable = False
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
ItemHeight = 20
ColorChangeChar = #0
TextAlign = taCenter
Left = 152
Top = 168
object LStart: TAOWButton
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 149
WinTop = 450
AOWWindow = LightPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 52
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 30
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 30
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 4
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 3
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 0
Text = 'Join!'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 109
OnClick = LStartClick
Left = 248
Top = 168
object LBack: TAOWButton
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 30
WinTop = 450
AOWWindow = LightPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 52
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 30
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 30
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 4
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 3
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 0
Text = 'Back'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 109
OnClick = LBackClick
Left = 200
Top = 168
object LSphere: TAOWImage
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 271
WinTop = 32
AOWWindow = FactionPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 271
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 32
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
ImageLib = IntGfxMod.FactionWin
AnimStart = 0
CurrentImage = 3
AnimEnd = 4
WinWidth = 100
WinHeight = 100
Animate = False
AnimFrameDelay = 0
Left = 152
Top = 56
object DarkPnl: TAOWPanel
OnMouseDown = DarkPnlMouseDown
OnMouseMove = DarkPnlMouseMove
Priority = 5
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 0
WinWidth = 288
Masked = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awNone
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahNone
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
WinHeight = 480
AOWWindow = FactionPnl
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
OwnerItem = 0
MinWidth = 0
MinHeight = 0
Left = 48
Top = 240
object DStart: TAOWButton
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 149
WinTop = 450
AOWWindow = DarkPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 52
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 30
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 30
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 4
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 3
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 0
Text = 'Join!'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 109
OnClick = LStartClick
Left = 248
Top = 240
object DBack: TAOWButton
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 30
WinTop = 450
AOWWindow = DarkPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBottom
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 52
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 30
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 0
Alignment.BottomOffset = 30
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
BorderHeight = 3
BorderHeightSelected = 4
ILButton = IntGfxMod.GenericB
ILIndexDown = 3
ILIndexLit = 0
ILIndexUp = 0
Text = 'Back'
TextColor = clBlack
TextSelColor = clBlack
WinWidth = 109
OnClick = DBackClick
Left = 200
Top = 240
object LName: TAOWLabel
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 97
WinTop = 110
AOWWindow = LightPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 110
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
Text = 'The Keepers'
TextColor = clBlack
Left = 104
Top = 168
object DText: TAOWMemo
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 0
WinTop = 140
AOWWindow = DarkPnl
CaptureInput = False
Alignment.AlignWidth = awBoth
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahBoth
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 140
Alignment.BottomOffset = 80
Masked = False
WinWidth = 288
WinHeight = 260
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
Items.Strings = (
'� Rid the world of both the Humans and Keepers.'
'� Rebuild the Elven Court in the Valley of Storms.'
'� Resurrect the greatest Elven Lord, Inioch.'
'� Restore order under their own law and power.'
BorderWidth = 20
BorderHeight = 20
TextColor = clWhite
CursorChar = '|'
BlinkDelay = 0
Editable = False
ILIndexFrame = 0
ILIndexTexture = 0
ItemHeight = 20
ColorChangeChar = #0
TextAlign = taCenter
Left = 152
Top = 240
object DName: TAOWLabel
Visible = False
Priority = 0
WinLeft = 97
WinTop = 110
AOWWindow = DarkPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awCenter
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 0
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 110
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
AOWFont = FontModule.AoW15WhiteGrey
Text = 'The Cult of Storms'
TextColor = clBlack
Left = 104
Top = 240
object DSphere: TAOWImage
Visible = False
Priority = 10
WinLeft = 271
WinTop = 32
AOWWindow = FactionPnl
CaptureInput = True
Alignment.AlignWidth = awLeft
Alignment.AlignHeight = ahTop
Alignment.HeightPercent = 0
Alignment.WidthPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffPercent = 0
Alignment.RightOffPercent = 0
Alignment.TopOffPercent = 0
Alignment.BottomOffPercent = 0
Alignment.LeftOffset = 271
Alignment.RightOffset = 0
Alignment.TopOffset = 32
Alignment.BottomOffset = 0
Masked = False
ImageLib = IntGfxMod.FactionWin
AnimStart = 0
CurrentImage = 4
AnimEnd = 4
WinWidth = 100
WinHeight = 100
Animate = False
AnimFrameDelay = 0
Left = 216
Top = 56